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Pokemon Hyper Emerald v4 – Ash Version

Name: Pokemon Hyper Emerald v4 – Ash Version
Remake by: Satochu, Popy, wwwww, Desvol and his team
Translated into english: MrTienduc (Pokemoner.com)
Source – credit: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/6251600966
Hello, I’m Pokemoner from ducumon.click and maybe someone can know I’m MrTien Duc. Well, Today, I will give Pokemon Hyper Emerald v4 Ash Version, where you are ash and travel to Hoenn! The Ash version has 2 versions such as Normal Battle and Inverse Battle! If you don’t know what the Inverse Battle was, I think you should research on Google! Anyway, I actually translate something in English in this game such as Type, Moves up to Gen 3, 807 Pokemon Names, Natures up to gen 3 and Options. So This game is English Patched v1 by Pokemoner.com. The creator will make full English when this game is actually completed with all features. And now, Thanks Satochu, Popy, wwwww, Desvol and his team for hacking this game. This game is translated by Pokemoner.com! Thank you for downloading at ducumon.click


This game is based on Pokemon Hyper Emerald v4.a – Invest Vexes. Read more about Pokemon Hyper Emerald v4.a – Invest Vexes: Pokemon Hyper Emerald v4.a – Invest Vexes

Well, Someone tries to complain why I don’t try to fully translate, hmm So you can see this game updates more times in a short time and full translation will take more time. And it will be outdate when we have full english version. Anyway, I actually translate up to 95% english at Hyper Emerald v2.96, You can try to play if you want! I hope you can understand everything I said. I don’t care you are a kid or a player or anything. Don’t try to complain more times because All are free!


So with English version Patch 1, Pokemoner.com actually translated:
All Pokemon Name up to 809
All Attack Name from v3
Fixed All Nature Name
Ability up to gen 3
Translated Mode Option

EXP: You can gain exp normally!
NoEXP: Your Pokemon can’t gain exp!
How you can switch the mode? Open Menu, Option and Choose The Mode then you should lose and you can come to that mode!

Some New Features:
You are Ash/Serena
Your Partner is from Gen 1 and Pikachu!
You can choose any Pikachu Cap at House!

Normal Battle: All type are working normally!
Inverse Battle: It’s a Pokémon battle in the Generation VI core series games that were introduced in Pokémon X and Y. During an Inverse Battle, type matchups are reversed and no type is immune to any other type.

Something in v4.a:




-串档 卡在 海岛不能对战默丹的bug
-R-装甲超梦 捕获率 为0
-御三家分布的遗漏和调整 南小鸟 改为116 捕获
-添加卡比兽Z 获得, 找薯片大佬 领取, 如果领取过皮卡Z的 请去踩男主家 串档点


-剧情流程 调整:
4卡璞海岛剧情结束后》大吾宅邸会议厅找默丹》开启【究极联盟挑战】》寻找赤红》 彩虹火箭队开放》完结
-新增 初体验!公式对战(道馆、联盟、究极联盟)采用近似于PVP的基本规则
-新增 绿茵森林 【新制作组 成员-凌空羽路】 送福利道具
-新增 一周目禁止 交换宝可梦,二周目开放 宝可梦俱乐部 准许交换。
-新增 男女主 家里床上准许睡觉,时间为 10.30晚上 过后能睡觉,到隔天8.30分早上
-新增 宝可梦剑/盾 的 【暗黑蛇纹狗】, 【暗黑直冲狗】,【堵拦熊】
-新增 捕捉超梦剧情,铠甲超梦- 1/2 几率 获得【R·装甲】或【拘束装甲】
-新增 某·究极之洞 赠送【毒贝比】 ,这下809图鉴+810钢铠鸦+811堵拦熊, 可以正式收集齐全!
-新增 4卡璞海岛剧情完结, 【全属性Z】 可以获得, 【全专属Z】 可以获得, 4.5 正式完结!
-究极之洞-花蓝洞剧情完成前, 全部究极之洞 不能进入
-降低了 第一道馆的等级 与 难度
-降低了 野怪分布的等级
-修复了 火Z 霸主挑战
-修复了npc技能先至度的bug, 更改瓦吉的阵容,增加对战赠送的糖果
-修复了 学习装置 经验分配, 完全6代化
-修复了 昼夜时间,根据游戏内时钟为准
-未白镇 3代御三家 改为二周目开放
-为了让玩家更多的使用其他宝可梦进行游戏,而不是一味的使用 火鸡,忍蛙,草蛇,

-新增串档支持点事件- 【男主家二楼房间 可以选择是否串档- 重新触发 华蓝洞超梦战剧情 以及后续剧情连贯】
-新增 7代御三家专属Z 赠送, 获得Z手环后, 大吾宅邸研究室 库库伊 对话获得 3个专属Z
-新增 二代Mega石,当携带 喷火龙X&Y石 ,大吾宅邸研究室 空木博士赠送 M火爆兽石, M水箭龟石=送M大力鳄石 ,M秒花蛙=送M大菊花石
-新增Z手环获取事件,确保旧存档没有触发过 卡璞-哞哞 事件,如果触发了,请去男主家二楼报到
-新赠 大木博士 使用 特殊结晶 税换 皮卡丘Z & 伊布Z
-新增 作者之家 炎山对战获得 世界锦标赛 之约。 如果串档触发过 开拓区小智对战,请去去男主家二楼报到
-新增 作者之家 打赢炎山第二次-刷新 火岩队深处V热炎教程的炎山 & 水静商店顶楼-卖硬纸板NPC (暂时之计,之后会改别的方式刷新)
-新增 作者之家 薯片大佬 亲自赠送 小智皮卡丘Z
-通知- 收集17 石板 开放 神奥-赤日决战》 被超时空诅咒 穿越到 赤日虚空的神奥》 天冠山 找到 超时空的代理人,对战后获得见阿尔宙斯的资格>>回原本世界
-通知- 收集18 属性Z纯晶,剧情暂时未做好, 所以无提示直接 荒岛-海岛 第一次见到奈克洛兹玛 的地方 触发开启洞穴- 奈克洛兹玛捕获
-修复了 战胜究极联盟后 大吾宅邸卡死bug
-修复了 彩虹火箭队 无法进入bug
-修复了 钢虫 素材 不对应 卡盘道具 问题
-修复了 梦特性 孵蛋概率

This game is GBA Rom. It’s fully chinese with english patched!



Download Pokemon Hyper Emerald v4 – Ash Normal Battle – English Patched v1 (Completed – 10.20.2019)
Download Pokemon Hyper Emerald v4 – Ash Inverse Battle – English Patched v1 (Completed – 10.20.2019)

–Download CIA Version for Nintendo 3DS—–

Download Pokemon Hyper Emerald v4 – Ash Normal Battle – English Patched v1 CIA (Completed – 10.20.2019)
Pokemon Hyper Emerald v4 – Ash Inverse Battle – English Patched v1 CIA (Completed – 10.20.2019)

Posted by Pokemoner.com